Founding Team

Michelle Reeves

Co-founder & CEO

Business Junkie


  • Obstacle course workouts

  • Building things

  • Green juice with cupcake chaser


"I wake up at 4am craving my laptop. With a new idea and unexplained energy I tip toe past my sleeping babies and type away for hours. I love to build. I live to create and push boundaries. I can't stop, I won't stop. It's all too thrilling."

Andrea Siegel


Tokyo, Travel, + Fashion Junkie


  • Connecting people around the world

  • Vintage kimonos & Japanese design

  • Bold clutches


"New encounters, connections and locations excite and drive me. It's truly magical when I meet new people and celebrate the uniqueness of the world. My family is everything! Nothing makes the world more meaningful than to have them with me for the adventure."