In honor of women

You are remarkable

In a year where every part of our lives has been tested, this collection is dedicated to all the pieces that make women the complex and beautiful superheroes of our world.

Four women share the pieces they hold on to when the world throws everything at them.

Collectively these women have raised millions to support local front line workers, saved dozens of businesses while building their own, and handwritten over 17M letters to support the election. And yes, they've been homeschooling throughout it all.

The piece of me that's complicated

My Brain

"I experienced a brain injury 8 years ago. It's as if someone placed an entirely different brain on my body and said, “Okay, now go live your life. Good luck figuring it out!” 
- Leah Romond -

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The piece of me grounded in


"We are experiencing a re-birth while letting go of an old paradigm and ushering in a new one; full of love, hope, equality and change for the better for all. I firmly believe that women will heal this planet."
- Nyakio Grieco -

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The piece of me that's resilient (and vulnerable)

My most inner-self

"A mom of three, one with special needs, I am closely and amicably co-parenting with my ex, working from home, and, homeschooling.  I am relentlessly optimistic and share that optimism on life widely and liberally. The perception is I have it all together, when at times I am struggling just like everyone else."
- Shannon Pruitt -

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The piece of me I give to others


"It's so much easier to be kind to others than not so I always try to make people smile."
- Nicole Neves -

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